Sunday 29 July 2012

How Hitler managed to gain unlimited power.

February 1933 Reichstag fire

Ø      Hitler wanted Nazi Party to gain full control of Reichstag
Ø      Called for fresh elections in 5th March
Ø      However, Reichstag building caught fire on 27th Feb
Ø      Nazi blamed communists for the fire, accusing them of wanting to overthrow the gov.
Ø      A young communist confessed to the crime though.
Ø      This gave Hitler a chance as the fire helped Hitler to remove one competition.

Hitler claimed country to be in grave danger, convincing the President to give him Emergency powers.
Ø      To deal with communists threat.
Ø      Arrested Communists and other opponents.
Ø      Civil and political rights = suspended
However, Hitler was not satisfied with this and wanted full control of Reichstag and was determined to control it.

23 March 1933 Enabling Act
Ø      Gave him Dictatorial power for 4 years = absolute power
Ø      Full power to do other things (fully arresting the opponents , outlawed the communists)
Ø      Making him the only decision maker.
Hitler sought to get both of that.
BUT, in order to pass enabling act, he needed 2/3 majority of Reichstag. After arresting the opponents and outlawing the communists, Hitler got his 2/3 majority and gained the enabling act.

Threats to Hitler from within the Nazi party were removed.
Ø      To ensure absolute power , Hitler removed threats from within his own party.
Ø      The SA (formed in 1921, aka the ‘Brownshirts’) helped Hitler to gain loyalty towards Hitler.

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