Thursday 9 August 2012

Reliability of 'The Eternal Jew' poster

Source 1 is not reliable based on the depiction of the Jew.
 It is not reliable because the narrator is passing an unfair judgement and being bias towards the Jews by claiming that they cannot be trusted because of their appearance which is changing often.
The source shows a Jew holding gold coins in his hands and looking at it. This action implies that Jews are greedy. Also, the poster's background, is yellow in color. This is an important sign as yellow was not a popular color and Jews were forced to wear yellow hats and belts to identify them easily. These were to make them feel ashamed.  Another sign is the map of Russia and the communists symbol. It is to show that the Communist and Jew had close links with each other. Germans, distrusted the Communist and labelled them as people who were out to cause trouble. With the same comparison to the Jew, it shows that Germans distrusted the Jews. Cross-referencing to Source 2, it states that "no one need be surprised if among our people the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew" - Adolf Hitler Mein Kempf . This backs up source 1 as it is trying to emphasize the negative idea they had about the Jews.  

This source is biased based on the provenance. It is produced by the Nazis and it is their opinion of the Jews. This shows biasness, therefore, it is not reliable.

Our opinion piece about Hitler's rise to power.

Money makes the world go round, and in the case of Germany in 1933, it allowed a certain Adolf Hitler to rise to power.

I disagree with this statement as I feel that besides money issues, Hitler’s own attribute allowed him to rise to power.

When the Weimar Government lost the support of the middleclass, there were debts that had to be paid. Germans had to pay reparations to the Allied Powers. The Weimar Government had to pay it. The printing of money was of inflation, the savings of the Germans became worthless and they became poor overnight. Germans blamed Weimar Government and hated them. Although the economy got better after a while, the Germans still blamed the Weimar Government. By this, the Germans turned to Hitler as he would be able to the support of the middle class and Germans. Thus, Hitler also rose to power by the loss of support of the middle class.

Hitler was also an excellent speaker and charismatic leader. People would listen to him for hours. He seemed to understand their problems and told people what they wanted to hear. By this, people would trust him and have confidence in his leadership. Being an excellent speaker and charismatic leader allowed Hitler to rise to power.

The constitution and system of proportional representation by the Weimar Government had a democratic system of government set up. Germans older than 20 years old could vote. This allowed many parties to gain seats in the government and that no single parties would be dominant. The government only lasted for 2 years and the government keeps changing. This shows that there is no stability in the government. Hitler had advocated a different system of government and people would turn to him as he had a more stabilized system.